Varun Yadav Apps

Gopis of Krishna 1.0
Varun Yadav
Immerse yourself in the transcendental divineknowledge of Shrimati Radharani, Lord Krishna and their belovedgopis. Gopis are the divine girls of Vrinadavan who selflessly loveRadha and Krishna, even more than their own breath. Their devotionand bhakti is desired by even the most elevated souls like LordBrahma and Lord Shiva.This app is a very small attempt toillustrate the various categories of gopis, their characteristics,places of residence, kinds of service they offer to the DivineCouple, dresses they adorn, etc. Out of the infinite categories ofgopis, the chief ones covered are -1) Who are gopis?2) Shrimati Radharani3) Varistha gopis4) Asta Manjari gopis5) Vara gopis6) Other gopis
Air Hockey 3D 1.0
Varun Yadav
Enjoy one of the most popular games withsuperbgraphics, multiple boards and in 3D.Air hockey is a game for two competing players trying toscorepoints in the opposing player's goal using a table having aspecialplaying surface.Features of the game include -1) 3 wonderful boards -- Regular board- Board with 1 extra slot elevating thrill to next level- Board with no protection at back which only a championcanconquer2) Adjust level of difficulty. High level will make the strikerveryrapid and will require excellent hand-eye co-ordination tobeatopponent player3) Adjust player speed. Higher player speed will be neededfordifficult levels3) Play/Mute sounds
Snakes and Ladders 1.2
Varun Yadav
Enjoy one of the most popular board games with superbgraphics,multiple boards and player skins. Originated in India,Snakes andLadders is also known as Parcheesi or Chutes and ladders.Playerstake turn to roll the dice and player moves forward by thenumberon the dice. Players move up ladders and fall down fromsnakes whenbitten. First player to reach last square wins. Featuresinclude -1) 6 wonderful boards - - Elegant Green and White - VividRed andWhite - Soothing Yellow and White - Sunset yellowish orange-Rainbow - Sparkling diamonds 2) Supports 4 maximum players 3)Playagainst maximum 3 android players 4) Human players insteadoftraditional coins 5) 6 exciting player skins - - Mr Arjun -CaptainAmerica - Cool Cap - Cute Girl - Pony Tail - Red Dress 6)Play/Mutemusic 7) Dice roll dynamics 8) Save Highscores for 4players Selectandroid players as competitors and watch them rolldice, moveforward, challenge you and add to the fun